Episode 11: Dorothy James & Andy Manjuck

“The Interns Go Wild”

Photo: Emon Hassan for The New York Times

Photo: Emon Hassan for The New York Times

Dorothy James and Andy Manjuck
The Puppet Pod!

Dorothy thinks puppetry is excellent for shy actors, and Andy thinks puppetry is WHAT THE?!  Check out their improvised Late Night Puppet Talk Show with Special Guest every Saturday at 10pm eastern time, at twitch.tv/talkpuppet2me

Dorothy James (she/her) is a Brooklyn-based puppeteer and teaching artist.  Puppet theatre credits include The New York Spectacular… (Radio City), Hansel & Gretel (Basil Twist, Michigan Opera Theatre), Made in China (Wakka Wakka, 59E59), and Snow Child (Arena Stage). TV: Moon and Me (BBC), and Patriot (Amazon). As a creator, Dorothy explores narratives that blur the line between fantasy and reality, working primarily in paper, clay, and shadow.  She is also a paper cut artist & avid baker. dorothy-james.com 

Andy Manjuck is (he/him) is co-founder and artistic director of Eat Drink Tell Your Friends, company member of the award-winning Wakka Wakka Productions, and often collaborates on new work from Robin Frohardt. He focuses primarily on devised theater and enjoys weaving narratives with surrealism, playing with scale, and solving problems with abstract ideas. Andy is also an established voice actor having worked in video games, animation, commercials, podcasts, and radio. Andymanjuck.com


Episode 12: Jeghetto


Episode 10: Takemi Kitamura